Saturday, October 20, 2012


Everybody wants to have control not just over their own lives but over others as well. I mean it gives them a sense of power and domination.  "Nobody can tell me what to do", is their motto and standard by which they live their lives. However there is one problem with control that many of us seem to overlook. It means nothing when you are in a relationship and as a matter of fact, this type of control really goes out the door. One of the most damaging things that can happen in a relationship is when a person male/female allow their controlling issues to be the standard of how they operate or function in their relationship. I have a test for those of you who are saying right now, "I don't have controlling issues". The next time you and your spouse, girlfriend, or boyfriend go out, let them drive and you sit in the passenger sit. If you can sit there without being a backseat driver (giving directions to a familiar place, telling them how to drive, touching the windshield wipers, etc...) then you have passed the test. However if you can't ride without doing these things I named, then my friend, you have controlling issues. So, the question you must ask yourself is how did this all begin? Most of our habits or should I say actions are learned behavior which means that we watched and study mom, dad, auntie, uncle, grandma, or grandpa behavior and we soaked it up like a sponge. Maybe you seen someone abused and you said to yourself "I will never let that happen to me". For some of you, your innocence was taking and because of that horrible moment, you have embraced and are using control as your first line of defense. In order for you to overcome controlling behaviors, you must simply make a decision to change by asking yourself the follow questions:
  • Am I worth the change?
  • Do I love myself to change?
  • Is my relationship with my spouse worth the change?
  • Do I love my spouse?
I specifically started with you asking questions about yourself because if you don't care or love you, there is no way you can truly love someone else. My prayer is that you would seriously consider what was written in this blog and be the one to start a new trend of health and wholeness in your family as relates to relationship. Blessings Brian P